Our work in Zen magazine!
Valentine’s Day publication
Photographer: Chris Spencer
Model: Cassandra Dominic
Post Production: www.StudioImpres.
Photo editing
Nowadays, retouching of photos are very popular which is needfull for every professional photographer
How much photos you have of you’d like to change something? To fix skin color, darken / lighten your hair or give more volume, change the background and so on? Probably with each of us there are dozens of such pictures. These days are a lot of people who can make retouching, but professionally can do only qualified professionals. We offer you professional, high quality service to Beauty, Fashion and Editorial, Concept and Compositing. Please contact us to help you at a convenient time. High quality and pleasant communication guarantee to every customer.
– Post Production: www.StudioImpres.

Ladies & gents!
Freque magazine
– Photographer © Kerri Jean
– Post Production: www.StudioImpres.com

Photo composition in photography
Interest your viewer
In photography, it’s not just what you shoot.
Photo is a little like a visual language – you can use it to make your pictures pass on a specific message. Poor photo composition can make a subject dull, but a well-set scene can create a wonderful image from the most ordinary of situations.
– Photographer © Sergey Prokopenko

Nothing is impossible in photography
Make your dreams come true
In photography is no exact time begin to live your dreams.

Fabulous and colorful photosession
The colors creates a special mood
All women are cats! Only one of them – soft kitty, others – most realistic tiger! One of them – in my photoshoot. Woman deserves a real woman’s name. Sexy and mysterious. She will get everything what she wants. The bright colors and expressive facial features, glowing eyes .. The real femme fatale!

A smile costs nothing but gives much
It takes a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.
Retouching studio IMPRESS presents:

indoor & outdoor

Starting fourth section
Starting Studio & Location Portraits section